Leaked Docs Show China Censoring Media After Li Keqiang's Death

2024-06-01 20:22:4348473
Leaked Docs Show China Censoring Media After Li Keqiang’s Death
  • October 31, 2023
  • 2:30 PM CDT
  • Dan Cortez

China has issued directives to state-run and other social media accounts, urging them to exercise restraint in their praise for the deceased former Premier Li Keqiang.

Al-Jazeera reported that the Chinese Communist Party has ordered media platforms be vigilant against expressions of excessive praise.

Leaked Docs Show China Censoring Media After Li Keqiang's Death

Li Keqiang, the former premier of China

China Censoring Media

The official directives from the government were brought to public attention through China Digital Times, a Chinese news agency known for sharing censored content.

The agency disclosed that media outlets have been instructed to reissue content by borrowing from “mainstream central outlets (Xinhua, CCTV, People’s Daily).”

Li Keqiang, A Reformist

Li Keqiang, the former Premier of China, recently passed away due to a heart attack.

Less than a year ago, he had stepped down from his role as the country’s second highest-ranking leader.

Despite being regarded as a reformist by political analysts, he had experienced sidelining by the current Chinese leadership.





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