Woman Charged With Three Murders For Poisoning Former in

2024-06-02 21:04:159632
Woman Charged With Three Murders For Poisoning Former in-Laws
  • November 2, 2023
  • 11:30 AM CDT
  • Lisa Marie Platske

Australian woman, Erin Patterson, is facing multiple charges of murder and attempted murder for allegedly poisoning her former in-laws with toxic mushrooms.

The incident occurred during a family lunch in July, where Patterson served a mushroom dish. Tragically, three people lost their lives, and one fell critically ill but recovered after days.

Woman Charged With Three Murders For Poisoning Former in

Patterson’s former in-laws who died after eating the mushrooms

Patterson Says She is Innocent

While Patterson maintained her innocence, toxicology reports indicated that the victims did consume death cap mushrooms.

In addition to the charges related to the lunch, Patterson faces allegations connected to separate incidents between 2021 and 2022.

The suspect was taken into custody on Thursday as police spent an entire day searching her home in Leongatha.

Former Husband Survived

The BBC report suggested Ms Patterson’s former husband was also expected to attend the lunch but he missed it at the last minute.

Patterson said she was devastated to imagine that these mushrooms may have contributed to the illness suffered by his former in-laws.





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