Australia To Ask Tech Companies To Watermark AI Content

2024-06-01 07:52:485795
Australia To Ask Tech Companies To Watermark AI Content
  • January 16, 2024
  • 2:30 PM CST
  • Dr. Rabia Khan

The Australian government is set to ask tech companies to label or watermark content generated by AI platforms such as ChatGPT.

Australian industry and science minister, Ed Husic, said the government understands the value of AI and its potential for the Australian people, but he wants to see the risks identified and tackled.

Australia To Ask Tech Companies To Watermark AI Content

Labeling Content

One of the things the government will ask the tech companies is the introduction of watermark, to reduce the misuse of AI.

The Australian government is looking at the AI issue from two angles, one sees AI as a low risk technology, while another sees it with great concern.

Australian industry and science minister Ed Husic

The minister will raise specific concerns about “high risk” AI systems such as those “to predict a person’s suitability for a job, or in a self-driving vehicle”.

This is in contrast to “low risk” AI use, such as programs used to filter emails or in business operations.





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