UK To Ban American Bully XL Dogs By The End of The Year

2024-05-10 10:58:3998
UK To Ban American Bully XL Dogs By The End of The Year
  • September 15, 2023
  • 11:30 AM CDT
  • Amy Mays

The UK government is banning the American bully XL dogs by the end of this year. The British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak described the dogs as dangerous to the communities after a man died in an attack by the dog. The PM ordered the concerned authorities to identify the breed so that he can proceed legally.

Why is the UK Banning The American Bully XL?

The British PM’s announcement came amid when reports of multiple dog attacks were reported recently. A man recently died in Stonnall, near Walsall, Staffordshire, after he was attacked by the breed and sustained multiple injuries. Children from the St Peter’s Primary Academy were urged to avoid outdoor activities after the recent surge in dog attacks.

UK To Ban American Bully XL Dogs By The End of The Year

UK PM Asked For Canine Experts

After the surge in dog attacks, the UK PM asked his ministers and canine experts to define the characteristics of the dog breed. Sunak said the dog has not been characterized as a breed, that is why he’ll proceed further to ban it.





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