Three People Killed in Tragic Collapse of Airport Hanger

2024-06-02 07:51:584231
Three People Killed in Tragic Collapse of Airport Hanger
  • February 1, 2024
  • 2:30 PM CST
  • Dan Bennett

Three people were killed, and multiple others were wounded when an under-construction airport hangar collapsed in the US state of Idaho.

The city administration said at least five out of the nine others injured were in critical condition and needed immediate medical care.

Three People Killed in Tragic Collapse of Airport Hanger

Hangar Collapsed

According to the local media, authorities about 5 pm rushed to the scene at a privately owned steel-framed hangar where the incident took place.

The Boise Fire Department said the hangar suffered a catastrophic collapse, resulting in the tragic death of 3 people.

“I don’t know what caused it, but I can tell you it was a pretty global collapse,” the fire department operations chief, Aaron Hummel, told reporters.

Airport Operations Not Affected

Boise airport officials said the incident didn’t affect the operations, and everything else was fine.

Authorities are currently investigating what caused the collapse.

The situation was under control, and all the injured ones were transferred to a nearby health facility.





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